
The Nano Project Team

Jorge Pablo Caram, Bachelor in Physics and Licenciatura student (LAFISO-UNT) (Graduated 2015).

Patricio Alastuey, Bachelor in Physics and Licenciatura student (LAFISO-UNT) (Graduated 2016, now PhD student).

Esp. Ing. Pablo Sebastián González (Ms student) (Graduated 2019)

Dr. Pablo Gallay, PhD (ANPCyT/CONICET, LAFISO-UNT), (Graduated 2017, now at the National University of Cordoba, Argentina).

Dr. Silvina Real, PhD (LNPD-UNT) (Graduated 2018).

Dr. Nadia Vega, PhD  (CONICET, LAFISO-UNT) (Graduated 2017, posdoc at INQUINOA, Argentina, now Assistant Researcher).

Lic. Omar Espíndola, PhD student (CONICET, LNPD-UNT)

Dr. Gustavo Grinblat, PhD (CONICET, LAFISO-UNT) (graduated 2015, posdoc at the Imperial College, London, UK, now Associate Researcher at the University of Buenos Aires).

Dr. Ezequiel Tosi, PhD (CONICET, LAFISO-UNT) (graduated 2019)

Eng. Miguel Carrillo (Nuclear Instrumentation Lab-UNT).

Dr. Oscar Marin, PhD (graduated 2014), now Assistant Researcher (CONICET, LAFISO and LNPD-UNT)

Dr. Monica Tirado (CONICET, LNPD-UNT)

Dr. David Comedi (CONICET, LAFISO-UNT)
Email: dcomedi@herrera.unt.edu.ar

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